Introducing Rooftop Bandits
My previous mobile game releases have exclusively used 2D graphics. What most people don’t realise is that despite being 2D games, the art in Dare the Monkey and Dungeons of Doom is actually 3D.
Over 1 Million Downloads and Counting
I’ve been meaning to write this short post for a while. I’m absolutely delighted to announce that Dare the Monkey has over 1 million downloads on the Apple App Store!
More Installs By Changing My Screenshots
I mentioned recently that we were able to get 20% more downloads by simply removing the preview video from Dungeons of Doom’s App Store page. But what about the game’s screenshots? Is there anything we can do to them that might bag us a few more installs? Well let’s look at a few things we […]
Super Stretchy Chicken Legs
I don’t get out much these days so it was great to get an invite from the good folk at Ping Creates to the pre-launch event for their new mobile game: Super Stretchy Chicken Legs.
No-Code Game Dev with Buildbox
Being someone who has never learned to code, people are always asking me how I manage to create my mobile games. The game development landscape has changed significantly over the years with many development tools now offering node based visual scripting options for those who don’t want to get their hands dirty with code. However […]
Dungeons of Doom Out Now
Great news! Dungeons of Doom is now available on the Apple App Store for iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch.
Researching my Next Game
With my current project Dungeons of Doom having now gone gold my attention is starting to turn to my next project. Anyone who is a regular follower of this blog will no doubt have noticed that my games are heavily inspired by classic arcade games from the 1970’s, 80’s and 90’s.
Developing for Apple Watch
Getting any kind of publicity for your game these days is hard. There are so many great indie games out there and sometimes it feels almost impossible to be heard above the noise. When we released our previous game, Dare the Monkey, we really struggled to get any exposure. Luckily by happy accident one thing […]
Sometimes Less is More
I decided very early in production that Dungeons of Doom would have only one game mode. Why only one mode you may ask? Wouldn’t multiple game modes keep people playing longer, increase retention, and drive revenue? Well that was exactly the plan when building our previous game – Dare the Monkey – but in our […]
Adding Ladders
When I think back to some of my favourite childhood platform games one thing stands out in my mind more than others – Ladders! Back then ladders were an integral part of the platforming experience, one which is sadly neglected somewhat these days.
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