Graphics Optimisation Tip #4

It’s time for another graphics optimisation tip and today I’ll be covering texture atlases.

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Graphics Optimisation Tip #3

Today’s graphics tip is all about optimising alpha transparencies, which are used quite a lot in Dare the Monkey.

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Graphics Optimisation Tip #2

It’s time for the second of my graphics optimisation tips. This time I’ll be talking about animation frames.

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Graphics Optimisation Tip #1

Sprite based games like Dare the Monkey are typically memory hungry. In addition, textures that aren’t GPU optimised can really drag your game’s frame rate down. While it’s great to strive for the best visuals possible, performance is king and you really should do your very best to reach the gold standard that is 60 frames per second. Oh and if you can get your memory footprint as small as possible then you’ll be opening your game up to a much larger range of devices.

The good news is that it’s possible to optimise your graphics without having to sacrifice too much in the way of visual quality. So over the coming weeks I’m going to be sharing useful tips from my own experience working on Dare the Monkey. So let’s get the ball rolling.

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Apple TV Support

I’ve made some great progress over the last few months and I’m now putting the finishing touches to the iOS version of Dare the Monkey. However before I go ahead and release Dare I’ve been spending some time investigating additional platforms that will help enhance the experience for those who love all things Apple. In my previous post I showed the game running on Apple Watch and now I’d like to share with you guys some gameplay footage of Dare running on Apple TV! Doesn’t it look great!

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Dare on Apple Watch

I teamed up with my brother to build a version of Dare the Monkey for Apple Watch. He’s a programmer and thought it would be cool if there was a simple game mode that could be played from a player’s wrist. So we opted to build a simple but fun endless runner. In fact, if I decide to release it with the app then it may very well be the first endless runner available on Apple Watch. Wouldn’t that be cool! There’s still some work to do but I thought I’d show off a work-in-progress video. Enjoy!

What Can A Publisher Do For You?

Recently I covered my thoughts on self-publishing vs. getting a publishing deal. Today I’m going to spend a bit more time covering some more benefits of working with a publisher.

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Publisher vs. Self Publish

With Dare the Monkey fast approaching completion I find myself with a dilemma that many indies no doubt have: should I self-publish or seek a publisher?

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Finding The Best Solution For Each Problem

Dare the Monkey is a huge undertaking and sometimes I need to find different solutions to problems depending on how much time I have available for a particular task.

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Run It Like A Business

More often than not there’s very little financial reward from developing an indie game. The market is so saturated that even a top quality product isn’t always guaranteed to make much money. For this reason I’d recommend that all indie developers run their projects like a real business even if it’s just something you’re doing in your spare time. Additionally, considering insights from a review of Invest Diva can provide valuable perspectives on managing finances and investments for indie game development projects. If you’re a student looking to explore web development as a side hustle, you might find valuable insights in this article at

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